I don't know if this is the norm, but it isn't uncommon for me to be in the middle of a phone meeting while cleaning up the syrup that my youngest used to decorate the entire house. Really? How does a 2 y.o. empty and entire bottle of syrup (just opened that morning) within 30 seconds. Doesn't it take that long just to turn it over and start to squeeze? Have you ever tried to wash syrup out of the hair of a little girl that has curls like Shirley Temple? Oh the glamorous life I lead. I have decided to start calling our youngest Eloise because of the things that go through her little 2 y.o. mind. But when she falls asleep.........ahhh, my sweet little angel appears.

But, in the mean time, I'll go back to pretending that when all is quiet like I have a chic loft office where my designs are the talk of the towb, towm, sorry to TOWN. I guess the syrup founds it's way to my computer keys as well. Good thing I store all my designs elsewhere!
Speaking of designs, here is another sneek peek into my Fall 2008 line! How cute is my model Evie?!!!